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Proudly crafted in Denmark with the highest quality care and ingredients


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1. The greatest benefit of all, and is by far the most unmatched. It is the incredible feeling you get, when you do something healthy and amazing for your body. Endorphins will release and the Pride in one's own body will increase drastically. Your body and mental health will improve with every  positive and healthy step you talk. It doesn't have to be our Ginger, Turmeric or Antioxidant shot, it can be any small step you take towards a better you. 

2. Your body is a temple , treat it as such. If you treat it good, and work hard to develop your inner and outer wellness, it will pay you back a million times more. It is an incredible biological machine. Do not abuse it. 

3. GUT HEALTH and DIGESTIVE BENEFITS - the Ginger/Apple is a powerful mix, excellent for your gut flora and provides amazing probiotic capabilities. 

4. INCREDIBLE JOINT PAIN RELIF, and ORGAN CLEANSE - Ginger/Turmeric shot, if taken every day and consistently, will produce incredible anti - inflammatory effects. Effects you can start to feel as soon as 3 weeks, of taking the shots consistently. The turmeric has been shown to help protect the liver and kidneys from harmful bacteria that is processed through these powerful cleansing machines. Liver and Kidneys are most important for longevity of life. If you eat and drink Garbage and Junk Food, they will become Junk for the garbage. DO NOT ABUSE THEM. 

5. Help keep FREE RADICALS at BAY!!! - ANTIOXIDANT shot is fully dosed with super vegetable Rhubarb, full dose of Arnonia, Pear Juice and Ginger Juice, which naturally contain a high amount of Antioxidants. If you drink one a day, you will not need any other antioxidant boost for your day.



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